A Cretex Medical company

A Cretex Medical company

Spectralytics Company News

Spectralytics' float at the Litchfield Watercade

Litchfield Watercade 2021

We love connecting with our community! Spectralytics recently participated in the Litchfield Watercade and discussed exciting opportunities to

Donation items for the donation drive benefitting Hawk Creek Animal Shelter

Hawk Creet Animal Shelter Donation Drive

We love supporting the four-legged friends in our community! Our team came together to donate 1,500 items to

Tags: Giving Back
Team members with National Donut Day donuts

National Donut Day

At Spectralytics, we believe any occasion to eat donuts is one worth celebrating. We recently celebrated National Donut

Spectralytics' Cinco de Mayo Taco Celebration

Cinco de Mayo Tacos

We celebrated Cinco de Mayo with some tasty tacos. We hope everyone enjoyed the festive food!

Spectralytics Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt

We had an egg-celent time at our egg hunt! Thank you to everyone who participated in this fun